Department of Homeland Security

NYC Office of Emergency Management

Project: Regional Resiliency Assessment Program


With DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and in partnership with Argonne National Laboratory, worked to assess the status of critical infrastructure needed for supply chain management. This included plans for how to help supply chains recover after a disaster and how to utilize existing and ad hoc freight systems to move critical supplies and equipment before, during and after an emergency. Developed a tool for public agencies providing ownership as well as operations information for roadways, bridges, maritime facilities and warehouses for better coordination.

Advisory Role and Project Management: Managed the application and was selected as one of 15 national RRAP projects for the year. Led the team from DHS, Argonne and NYC OEM.

Research: Gathered data to feed into the interactive tool. Included: live data feeds related to traffic, important licenses waivers and other documents for movement, existing resilience reports, truck routes, low clearances

Stakeholder Engagement: Worked with numerous city and state agencies to work together, share data and develop best practices. Trained staff on how to use the software.

Became a model used by DHS for other supply chain infrastructure RRAP projects


Sidewalk Labs - Sidewalk Toronto